Michael J. Garcia: Your Voice for Santa Fe's Future

Hello, I'm Michael J. Garcia, and I'm thrilled to be running for re-election as your City Councilor in District 2. My commitment to Santa Fe and its vibrant community runs deep, and I'm dedicated to continuing the work we've started together.

Back in 2012, I returned to Santa Fe with my family after earning degrees in Political Science and Public Administration at the University of New Mexico. The Midtown Triangle District became our home, and I've been proud to serve you ever since.

My approach is all about staying connected. You'll find me at local gatherings, engaging in conversations with neighbors, and being a voice for your concerns. Your stories inspire me to keep pushing for positive change.

During my current term, I've been a strong advocate for affordable housing, local businesses, and opportunities for our youth. I've fought for transparency in government and championed environmental policies that make sense for our city. The renovation of a youth baseball field at Ragle Park stands as a reminder that even small steps can create big impacts.

As I seek re-election, I'm not just asking for your support at the ballot box – I'm asking for your partnership. Together, we can shape the future of Santa Fe and ensure that our community remains strong, vibrant, and inclusive.

I look forward to continuing this journey with you and working tirelessly to make Santa Fe an even better place to live, work, and thrive. See you around the neighborhood!

Warm regards,

Michael J. Garcia

Michael with his wife and family